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Fast and sensitive taxonomic classification for metagenomics

Download pre-built indexes

Pre-built indexes for all reference databases are available for download. Each compressed archive contains the Kaiju .fmi index file, as well as the corresponding nodes.dmp and names.dmp from the NCBI taxonomy.

See the Quickstart guide for instructions on installing Kaiju and running it with a downloadable index. The README contains more detailed information about the program and the databases.

Files are hosted on Amazon AWS S3 storage through the Open Data Sponsorship Program.

Database Date Archive size (GB) RAM needed (GB) HTTPS URL
nrSubset of NCBI BLAST nr database containing Archaea, bacteria and viruses.
2023-05-10 67 177 .tgz
nr_eukLike nr, but additionally including fungi and microbial eukaryotes, see taxon list
2023-05-10 82 204 .tgz
refseqProtein sequences from genome assemblies of Archaea and bacteria with assembly level "Complete Genome", as well as viral protein sequences from NCBI RefSeq.
2023-05-10 30 87 .tgz
refseq_nrProtein sequences from Archaea, bacteria, and microbial eukaryotes from NCBI RefSeq non-redundant protein collection, as well as viral protein sequences from NCBI RefSeq.
2023-06-17 49 116 .tgz
refseq_refProtein sequences from Archaea, bacteria from NCBI RefSeq representative assemblies, as well as viral protein sequences from NCBI RefSeq.
2023-07-05 31 49 .tgz
progenomesRepresentative proteins from proGenomes v3 + viral protein sequences from NCBI RefSeq
2023-05-10 66 102 .tgz
fungiFungi + virus sequences from NCBI RefSeq
2023-05-10 3.4 5 .tgz
virusesViral protein sequences from NCBI RefSeq
2023-05-10 0.25 0.5 .tgz
plasmidsPlasmid protein sequences from NCBI RefSeq
2023-05-10 1.4 4 .tgz
rvdbProtein sequences from RVDB-prot v26.0
2023-05-10 16 75 .tgz

Older databases are available at the web server page.